
Thursday 30 October 2014

Symbolism in Virginia Woolf’s To The Lighthouse.

Name: Solanki Pratiksha M.

Roll No: 21 
Enrolment No: 13101032
Sem : 3 (2014-2015)
Paper No: 9 The Modernist Literature

Subject: Assignment

Title: Symbolism in Virginia Woolf’s To The Lighthouse.

Submitted to:

Smt. S.B.Gardi

Department of English

M.K.Bhavnagar University    

  •    Symbolism In Virginia Woolf’s To The Lighthouse..

>> Virginia Woolf.. Author, Journalist (1882–1941)

    Adeline Virginia Woolf was an English writer and one of the foremost modernists of the twentieth century. Born into a privileged English household in 1882, writer Virginia Woolf was raised by free-thinking parents. She began writing as a young girl and published her first novel, The Voyage Out, in 1915. Her nonlinear, free form prose style inspired her peers and earned her much praise. She was also known for her mood swings and bouts of deep depression. She committed suicide in 1941, at the age of 59.
>> To The Lighthouse.

    To the Lighthouse is a 1927 novel written by Virginia Woolf. The novel is divided into 3 parts..

  1. 1.    The Window
    2.  Time Passes
    3.  The Lighthouse.
The novel lacks an omniscient narrator instead the plot unfolds through shifting perspectives of each character's stream of consciousness. In Part I the novel is concerned with illustrating the relationship between the character experiencing and the actual experience and surroundings. The second part, 'Time Passes' having no characters to relate to, presents events differently.

>> What is Symbolism:

    Symbol,It is the relation between the significance item and what it signifies is not a natural one, but entirely a matter of social connection. Objects, characters, figures or colors, concepts etc. All those things also used as a symbolically. 

In discussing Literature, the “Term”- “Symbol” is applied only to a word or phrase that signifies an object or event. The artistic method of revealing ideas or truths through the use of symbols.

>>Symbolist Movement: Modern Age

The Modern Period, in the decades after World War-1, was a notable era of symbolism in Literature. There are many writers who exploit symbols which are in part of religious.

·       >>Symbols In To The Lighthouse :

§  The Lighthouse
§  Lily Briscoe’s Painting
§  Ramsay’s Summer House
§  The Sea, Storms, The Rock, Reefs and Shallow Water
§  The Boar’s Skull
§  Rose’s Arrangement of Fruit Basket.

>> The Lighthouse :

“It stands alone and tall in both light and darkness and it, along with its beacon, is a focal point which symbolizes strength, guidance and safe harbour it is spiritual hermit guiding all those who are travelling by sea...”

Metaphorically, as the element of Water represents the emotions, The Lighthouse, is a symbol for the spiritual strength which is available to us during the times we feel we are being helplessly tossed around in a sea of inner turmoil. Here, Mrs. Caroline Ramsay stands as a guiding star and harbours emotional safety to other family, guest members visiting summer house. 

>> Lily Briscoe’s Painting:

Lily’s painting symbolizes woman’s struggle in patriarchal society. Here it also shows feminist approach. Painting represents desire to express critique of Mrs. Ramsay’s essence in the painting. The Novel is a both a critique and a tribute to the enduring power of Mrs. Ramsay.

“Women can’t paint or write.”  It shows the mentality of people’s mind.

>> Ramsay’s Summer House:

The physical condition of the house represents psychological condition of the characters and their mindset. Ramsay’s summer house represents psyche of mind and it symbolizes collective consciousness. In The Time Passes section, the revenge of war and destruction and the passage of time are reflected in the condition of the house. During her dinner party, Mrs. Ramsay sees her house which displays her own inner notions of shabbiness and her inability to preserve beauty.

>> The Sea, The Storms, The Rocks, Reef and Shallow Water.

The Sea it represent Modern Movement of life and The Sea is a powerful reminder of the impermanence and delicacy of human life. The Storms represents both things like Wind (air) and Rain (Water). 

“Storms are our inner demons which torment both our mind and our subconscious.”

The Rocks, reef and Shallow waters symbolize the final dangers and miseries which seem to accompany the end of any turbulent voyage. All those things are always seems the most dangerous and hopeless as we reach the end of all emotional turmoil. This is the point when we feel like tossing up our hands and giving up...!

>> The Boar’s Skull:

The Boar’s skull is represents Mrs.Ramsay’s desire to preserve life or Mr. Ramsay and Lily to be immortal through work/art. It symbolizes transient nature of art and life. The presence of the skull acts as a disturbing reminder that design and death is always at hand, even during life’s most blissful moments. 

>> Rose’s Arrangement of Fruit Basket:

Rose, who prepare or arranges a fruit basket for her mother’s dinner party that serves to draw the party goers out of their private suffering and unite them.. The basket testifies both to the “frozen” quality of beauty that Lily describes and to beauty’s seductive and soothing quality.

  •   Conclusion :

Thus, The symbol of To The Lighthouse reminds us that, regardless of how our emotional seas may become, we need only focus on the guiding light of the spiritual within us. Our inner Lighthouse is also our spiritual guide which safely directs us to that peaceful life.

Thank you..

1 comment:

  1. Pratiksha I read your whole assignment and found more interesting reading of symbols and the representation of each and every facts. It will help me in exams too because I used to read online sources. Thank you dear.
